Friday, September 3, 2010

IT'S A....


Well.... I have a friend that is an ultrasound tech and asked her if she would want to do a scan on me to see what I'm having and she actually said yes! So it has pretty much taken all week to coordinate a day and time but we finally were able to do it today! She works at a hospital so she had to kinda sneak me in and be super quick. She was pretty sure it was a boy but called in a co-worker just to make sure and she also thought the same. She showed me the baby's head and other body parts before going back to his private parts again and getting more views just to make sure! But by all the pictures she printed out for me, it looks like a boy to me [even though I still have my doubts- I'm just in disbelieve!]. :) I'm so happy to be having a baby boy- I was really hoping I was having one! We really need a little boy in our family!

I cancelled my appointment at the 3D ultrasound place that I had next Saturday and we'll just wait and confirm it when I have my ultrasound with my doctor at my next appointment at the end of this month.

Here are some of the pictures I got of our baby BOY!!!!


another view...

little skelton waving HI!

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