Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Open House!

Before Open House...



In front of the school...

Today, Kylie had Open House at her school! Everyone met in the worship area and the director, Ms Susan went over some things first. Then we were all dismissed to go to our child's classroom. At first, Kylie was hesitate to go into her new classroom but eventually went inside following her friends. We meet her new teachers, Ms Michelle & Ms Tracy. We checked out all the different "centers" and Kylie was all over the place: coloring, playing with baby dolls, and building with blocks. Ms Tracy had Kylie and some other kids who were around to find their frog with their name on it and put it on the board. Ms Tracy said they would do that each circle time. She started helping the kids find their frog and I heard her say she didn't think they could recognize their names right now but guess who found her name all by herself?!!! KYLIE! She has recognized her name for a couple months now and when she sees the letters in her name on street signs or anywhere, she always points them out to me. She also found her name on the door of her classroom! She's SO smart!

putting her name on the log!


Colored Pencils! She asked me if she could use these b/c she's never used them before, I assume! :)


Rylee & Kylie playing blocks

her name on the door

The schedule!

Ms Susan rang a bell when it was time to go [because there was another group coming after us] so I had Kylie help clean-up and she started crying because she didn't want to leave. So that's a good sign! I explained to her she can come back next week and she will stay a lot longer and I will leave. Can't wait!

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