Sunday, September 26, 2010

Soccer game # 2

Kylie had her 2nd soccer game on Saturday and did a little better. She wasn't as whiney and clingy and after many bribes got out on the field once or twice. I wasn't able to take pictures this time and she's on and off the field so quickly, it's just easier to take a video! So here are a couple....

She started doing really good then when the little boy got the ball from her, she got really upset! :(

Haylee wanted to play soccer so bad! I think she was on the field more than Kylie!

We are hoping Kylie will start playing more and more each game! Even her coach made a comment to me at the end of the game that she does so well during practices- listening and participating in most things so she doesn't get why she acts like that during games [in so many words]. I kinda think it's because everyone is trying to get her to play and it's just overwhelming and so much pressure. She usually enjoys most everything she does so hoping she'll just come around before the season ends! :)

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