Wednesday, September 15, 2010

baby boy....

I've recently gotten some more stuff for the baby boy and just wanted to share them with you! Also, I've been getting some gently used items off ebay or from consignment stores. I'll update with more pictures when I get my ebay packages! I've started a list of all the things I've gotten so far so I don't get doubles of anything and also to make sure I don't get more than I need for each size. Also recently, I was in a consignment shop and they had the same bouncy seat I had for Kylie and of course her's is all pink but the one in the store was all blue so I asked the owner and she let me trade them! I need to go through all of Kylie's baby stuff that is pink and sell it to the consignment stores! Also I have a pink Bumbo seat [it's a little seat that helps them sit when they aren't able to do it on their own yet] and my friend, Emily has a green one she is going to trade me!

Well here are the clothes I've gotten recently...

Newborn sleeper and 2 Newborn onesies

Newborn outfits

3 month jacket and pants

Puppy hat and khaki tennis shoes

Outfits from a Consignment Shop...
Left one says "Off to Grandma's" [3months], middle: camo outfit [Newborn], Outfit [3months]

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