Monday, September 27, 2010

Ear, Nose & Throat

Last Thursday, I took Kylie to her pediatrician for a follow-up for her ear infection. About 2 weeks ago, we had to take her to an urgent care place over the weekend because she was complaining her ear was hurting. She was given her 2nd antibiotic in about 2 weeks! So at the follow-up appointment, her doctor checked out her ears and said they are still inflamed, red, and had puss in one of them- not good! She prescribed her another antibiotic [ughhh], her 3rd for the month and gave us a referral to an Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist. This is her 6th ear infection she's had and after a month and 2 different antibiotics, her ears still weren't clearing up!

Her appointment with the specialist was today at 10. I didn't know what to expect and wasn't sure exactly what they were going to do to her. The doctor was really nice and pretty much just examed her ears and throat and Kylie did really well- think she's got this down by now! :( The doctor said her left ear looks fine and her right here [the current one infected] looks better. It's not red or inflamed but there is still fluid, which he said should go away with the help of the antibiotic she's currently on. He said what is happening is she catches a bug [bacteria] and before it has time to fully heal, she catches another one and it just gets reinfected. Especially with her being back in school, she has a higher chance of the germs creeping in! He wants to give her body a chance to fight the bacteria once and for all before discussing placing tubes in her ears- he said that's the last resort. He also put her on a 1/2 tsp of Amoxicillin after she's done with the antiboitic she's on now, just to hopefully kick it out for good! He also said this is pretty common for kids her age, especially being around other kids. He said since she's only getting them 2-3 times a year and not right after each other, he's not too concerned. We go back in about a month for a check-up and we are praying her ears will be back to normal again!

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