Thursday, September 16, 2010

soccer practice

Last night, Kylie had her 2nd soccer practice! Her team, the Monkeys, first did some things with an older girl's team, which is also the Coach's daughter's team and she's the Assistant Coach for her team too. It was cute seeing the little ones interacting with the older girls!

So at the last practice, the Coach threw the ball out and had each kid come back with it using their hat. Well the 3 & 4 year olds took that as putting it on top of their head. But when we watched the older kids do this, they came back with it by using their head to kick the ball! So that is what they are suppose to do! The little ones saw the older girls doing it so then they started doing it! SO FUNNY!








AND some videos!!!

the team kicking their balls to the goal!

Kylie making a goal! Haha so funny- they were all so confused!

Kylie's 1st game is this Saturday and we are SO excited! I know it's going to be HILARIOUS and they are not gonna have any clue what's going on!!! Can't wait!!!

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