Monday, September 20, 2010

Kylie's 1st Soccer Game!

Last Saturday Kylie had her 1st soccer game! Her game was pretty early in the morning and we had to be on the field 15 minutes before the game started. It was a little hectic and Kylie was NOT in the mood! I'm not sure if it was because I had to wake her up or just the whole new experience and it was a little overwhelming. She didn't want anything to do with soccer or her team or her coach. It was a little frustrating but eventually we bribed her with snacks after the game and that got her on the field. She played for a couple minutes and did pretty good when she got on the field! The other team was pretty experienced and won the game by quite a few points!

Towards the end of the video, Kylie was done and when she has to her back to the camera, she's standing there crying and finally Jacob had to get her off the field. :(

At the end of the game, Kylie's coach let her kick the ball one more time!

Her next game this Saturday is a little later so hopefully she gets the sleep she needs and is in a lot better mood! We'll see!

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