Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pre-school update! [September]

"I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made" Psalm 139:14

For the month of September, the Three Year Olds have a lot of fun things planned! This week they are going over Rules & Procedures and are following a take home paper book called "Bono the Monkey". We'll read that together before bed. At the end of it, there are questions we ask Kylie about the story.

In the follwing weeks, they are doing a Pond theme and talking about The Gingerbread Man, having a Shape Campout and at the end of the week baking Smores! At the end of the month, starts their Apple Unit and each child has to bring in an apple and at the end of the week [beginning of October] they are going to bake apple pies! YUM!

Sounds like such a fun beginning to the school year! I'm so excited for all the fun things Kylie will do. We just love her school!

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