Tuesday, September 28, 2010

20 weeks!!!

Today I had my 20 week doctor appointment and ultrasound! Jacob, Nicole, Haylee and Mom all came and we all acted like we didn't already know the sex! She told us the sex right away- well actually showed us because it was pretty apparent what it was! He wasn't shy at all! Haha Then she showed us all his body parts: head, nose, lips, heart, stomach, arms, elbow, legs, kidneys, spine, bladder [which had a little bit of pee pee in it!], and his little feets! He was a little wiggle worm and she kept saying he needed to stay still so she could measure him! At one point, she said his arm was behind his head and we saw his legs crossed- he was getting comfy and it was almost naptime! :) We did get to see him a little bit in 3D which was cool- we saw his face and he looks so sweet! He weighs 12oz. which is 59%, and is average- so that's good! Hopefully he stays about that because boys are usually bigger and Kylie was a good size when she was born so I can't imagine a bigger baby! She said ultrasounds aren't 100% but what she can tell, he looks great!

After the ultrasound, everyone left and I waited to be seen by the doctor. I got weighed and gained 3lbs [the only weight I have gained so far!] and got my blood pressure taken, which was normal. I waited for the doctor for a while then he finally came in and called me into his office. He said everything on the ultrasounds looks great and that he's measuring at 19 weeks 6 days, so they changed my due date from Feb. 19 to Feb. 17, which I was already going by anyways. He also said the blood test I got at my last appointment for the Triple Screening test came back normal. I had to schedule my glucose test at my next doctor appointment [24 weeks], which is at the end of October.

Here are the pictures of our little man!!!! :)



his foot!


it's a BOY!


his legs crossed!

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