Thursday, January 13, 2011

Storytime with Haylee!

Haylee's storytime at the library started up again and since I was watching her this week, I got to take her to her 1st class! She was really excited and loves storytime! And she's just so cute during the class.

Looking at her name tag


so cute!

waiting for it to start

listening to a story! [once it was over, she came to me and said "frogs", which was what the story was about! she's so smart!]

Every kid gets a book and brings it back to their parent to have read to them. Haylee chose a book about ocean animals and I asked her what each one was. She knew: shark, fish, crab, and even octopus! She didn't get whale and said shark instead. But there was water coming out of the whale's spout and she kept saying "splashing, splashing".

She was a little shy at first and I think she had to get used to doing everything again but sang along to the songs she knew, like their opening song about 'Who's hear today' and 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'. It was so cute hearing her sing along to the songs! They talked about the letter M and she had to take home a sheet of paper with the letter M on it and has to color it and bring it back next week- her "homework".

Here is a video of her....

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