Tuesday, January 25, 2011

poor big kid

Kylie is feeling a little under the weather, probably just a cold so she stayed home from school yesterday and took it easy. Yesterday, when she got up from her nap she had a fever of 101.1 so I gave her some Motrin and before she went to bed it had gone down some. But when she woke up this morning, it was back at 100.7 so I gave her some more Motrin and she seems to have more energy today but still has a stuffy/runny nose and she has been sneezing and coughing too. Last night, I was saying poor baby since she wasn't feeling well and of course she had to correct me and said "no, say poor big kid" HAHA!

Here are some pictures I took of her yesterday throughout the day....

so pitiful! :(

watching a movie

taking a break for an art project

she got a lollipop for taking her Motrin!

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