Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Doctor appt: 37 weeks

I had my 37 week doctor appt. this morning. I gained 3 lbs. since my last appt. [I knew I had gained weight! HA!] and my blood pressure was normal. Brayden's heartbeat sounded good, in the 150's and my belly is still measuring on track! My Group B Strep Test came back negative- yay! The doctor checked me and said I'm a good 1cm! She said not quite a 2 yet so that must mean I'm probably 1 1/2cm!!! So that's good news, now let's just hope I made even more progress by my next appt.

My next doctor appointment at 38 weeks [actually I'll be one day shy of 38 weeks] is next Wednesday, February 2nd at 9:30am. That will be a major appointment so please pray everything works out and I can schedule my induction for the following Friday.... Feb. 11th!!!!

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