Thursday, January 6, 2011

Doctor appointment: 34 weeks 1 day

I had a doctor appointment this morning [Friday]. I was pretty scared I had gained a lot of weight in the last 2 weeks [since my last appointment] being that we were at Nana's house [haha] but I actually lost a pound!!! Can you believe it?! HAHA My blood pressure was normal, my belly is measuring right at 34 weeks, so right on track and his heartbeat sounded great! The doctor kept saying my due date was Feb. 19th so we went into her office so she could look on the computer to see why she kept thinking that and not the 17th. She looked at my past ultrasounds and just decided to keep it the 17th- thank goodness because I told her how I was considering the elective induction around 39 weeks, which would effect which day I would be able to do it. She noted all this in my chart so now we just have to wait til it gets closer and see what happens!


Kylie too! :)

My next appointment is in 2 weeks on Friday, January 21st at 9:30am. After this appointment, I will start going EVERY week!


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