Tuesday, September 28, 2010

baby update...

This week you're carrying about 10.5 inches and 10.5 ounces of solid baby-miracle-goodness! Their little delicates bones continue to ossify and toughen while their itsy bitsy finger and toe pads are finishing up. Your little monkey now has teeth buds, although they’re hidden beneath the gum line. And finally! Their limbs have reached their relative proportions—no more alien baby! Their cute pink lips are more defined, and might be helping out in a bit of prenatal thumb-sucking.

If you have a little boy, then their tiny testes are descending, though they have not yet passed the abdominal wall. What’s more, eyelashes and eyebrows are also visible. At this point, your little one really looks like a miniature baby—and we do mean miniature as your little swimmer currently weighs a mere eighth of their final birth weight. With half the pregnancy behind you, the most significant gains are yet to come!

20 weeks & 3 days

20 weeks!!!

Today I had my 20 week doctor appointment and ultrasound! Jacob, Nicole, Haylee and Mom all came and we all acted like we didn't already know the sex! She told us the sex right away- well actually showed us because it was pretty apparent what it was! He wasn't shy at all! Haha Then she showed us all his body parts: head, nose, lips, heart, stomach, arms, elbow, legs, kidneys, spine, bladder [which had a little bit of pee pee in it!], and his little feets! He was a little wiggle worm and she kept saying he needed to stay still so she could measure him! At one point, she said his arm was behind his head and we saw his legs crossed- he was getting comfy and it was almost naptime! :) We did get to see him a little bit in 3D which was cool- we saw his face and he looks so sweet! He weighs 12oz. which is 59%, and is average- so that's good! Hopefully he stays about that because boys are usually bigger and Kylie was a good size when she was born so I can't imagine a bigger baby! She said ultrasounds aren't 100% but what she can tell, he looks great!

After the ultrasound, everyone left and I waited to be seen by the doctor. I got weighed and gained 3lbs [the only weight I have gained so far!] and got my blood pressure taken, which was normal. I waited for the doctor for a while then he finally came in and called me into his office. He said everything on the ultrasounds looks great and that he's measuring at 19 weeks 6 days, so they changed my due date from Feb. 19 to Feb. 17, which I was already going by anyways. He also said the blood test I got at my last appointment for the Triple Screening test came back normal. I had to schedule my glucose test at my next doctor appointment [24 weeks], which is at the end of October.

Here are the pictures of our little man!!!! :)



his foot!


it's a BOY!


his legs crossed!

Monday, September 27, 2010

lil gardener

Yesterday, we made a trip to Home Depot and got a bunch of stuff for the yard. Jacob worked in the yard most of the day and even through the rain. He also got some seeds so Kylie could plant her own flowers! So when he got home from work today, it wasn't raining at the moment so they went outside to go plant the seeds!




in the dirt it goes...




all done! now we gotta wait about 80 days for results!


Ear, Nose & Throat

Last Thursday, I took Kylie to her pediatrician for a follow-up for her ear infection. About 2 weeks ago, we had to take her to an urgent care place over the weekend because she was complaining her ear was hurting. She was given her 2nd antibiotic in about 2 weeks! So at the follow-up appointment, her doctor checked out her ears and said they are still inflamed, red, and had puss in one of them- not good! She prescribed her another antibiotic [ughhh], her 3rd for the month and gave us a referral to an Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist. This is her 6th ear infection she's had and after a month and 2 different antibiotics, her ears still weren't clearing up!

Her appointment with the specialist was today at 10. I didn't know what to expect and wasn't sure exactly what they were going to do to her. The doctor was really nice and pretty much just examed her ears and throat and Kylie did really well- think she's got this down by now! :( The doctor said her left ear looks fine and her right here [the current one infected] looks better. It's not red or inflamed but there is still fluid, which he said should go away with the help of the antibiotic she's currently on. He said what is happening is she catches a bug [bacteria] and before it has time to fully heal, she catches another one and it just gets reinfected. Especially with her being back in school, she has a higher chance of the germs creeping in! He wants to give her body a chance to fight the bacteria once and for all before discussing placing tubes in her ears- he said that's the last resort. He also put her on a 1/2 tsp of Amoxicillin after she's done with the antiboitic she's on now, just to hopefully kick it out for good! He also said this is pretty common for kids her age, especially being around other kids. He said since she's only getting them 2-3 times a year and not right after each other, he's not too concerned. We go back in about a month for a check-up and we are praying her ears will be back to normal again!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Soccer game # 2

Kylie had her 2nd soccer game on Saturday and did a little better. She wasn't as whiney and clingy and after many bribes got out on the field once or twice. I wasn't able to take pictures this time and she's on and off the field so quickly, it's just easier to take a video! So here are a couple....

She started doing really good then when the little boy got the ball from her, she got really upset! :(

Haylee wanted to play soccer so bad! I think she was on the field more than Kylie!

We are hoping Kylie will start playing more and more each game! Even her coach made a comment to me at the end of the game that she does so well during practices- listening and participating in most things so she doesn't get why she acts like that during games [in so many words]. I kinda think it's because everyone is trying to get her to play and it's just overwhelming and so much pressure. She usually enjoys most everything she does so hoping she'll just come around before the season ends! :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Kylie's 1st Soccer Game!

Last Saturday Kylie had her 1st soccer game! Her game was pretty early in the morning and we had to be on the field 15 minutes before the game started. It was a little hectic and Kylie was NOT in the mood! I'm not sure if it was because I had to wake her up or just the whole new experience and it was a little overwhelming. She didn't want anything to do with soccer or her team or her coach. It was a little frustrating but eventually we bribed her with snacks after the game and that got her on the field. She played for a couple minutes and did pretty good when she got on the field! The other team was pretty experienced and won the game by quite a few points!

Towards the end of the video, Kylie was done and when she has to her back to the camera, she's standing there crying and finally Jacob had to get her off the field. :(

At the end of the game, Kylie's coach let her kick the ball one more time!

Her next game this Saturday is a little later so hopefully she gets the sleep she needs and is in a lot better mood! We'll see!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

soccer practice

Last night, Kylie had her 2nd soccer practice! Her team, the Monkeys, first did some things with an older girl's team, which is also the Coach's daughter's team and she's the Assistant Coach for her team too. It was cute seeing the little ones interacting with the older girls!

So at the last practice, the Coach threw the ball out and had each kid come back with it using their hat. Well the 3 & 4 year olds took that as putting it on top of their head. But when we watched the older kids do this, they came back with it by using their head to kick the ball! So that is what they are suppose to do! The little ones saw the older girls doing it so then they started doing it! SO FUNNY!








AND some videos!!!

the team kicking their balls to the goal!

Kylie making a goal! Haha so funny- they were all so confused!

Kylie's 1st game is this Saturday and we are SO excited! I know it's going to be HILARIOUS and they are not gonna have any clue what's going on!!! Can't wait!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

baby boy....

I've recently gotten some more stuff for the baby boy and just wanted to share them with you! Also, I've been getting some gently used items off ebay or from consignment stores. I'll update with more pictures when I get my ebay packages! I've started a list of all the things I've gotten so far so I don't get doubles of anything and also to make sure I don't get more than I need for each size. Also recently, I was in a consignment shop and they had the same bouncy seat I had for Kylie and of course her's is all pink but the one in the store was all blue so I asked the owner and she let me trade them! I need to go through all of Kylie's baby stuff that is pink and sell it to the consignment stores! Also I have a pink Bumbo seat [it's a little seat that helps them sit when they aren't able to do it on their own yet] and my friend, Emily has a green one she is going to trade me!

Well here are the clothes I've gotten recently...

Newborn sleeper and 2 Newborn onesies

Newborn outfits

3 month jacket and pants

Puppy hat and khaki tennis shoes

Outfits from a Consignment Shop...
Left one says "Off to Grandma's" [3months], middle: camo outfit [Newborn], Outfit [3months]

Dad's birthday!

On Dad's actual birthday, he was working so we had to celebrate it the following weekend. He chose Red Lobster for his birthday dinner [actually lunch] so we all met there last Saturday [except Dave, he was working]. We had a nice lunch there!

The girls checking out the fresh lobsters with Grandpa!



The birthday Dork... I mean Boy! Haha




Dad opening his presents!

Also, it was Grandparent's Day the next day so we gave them their present from the girls early!

A stepping stone with the girls' handprint!

After lunch, we headed back to Nicole's to pick up the cake and we all went to Bass Pro Shops in Hampton. Jacob & Dad did a bunch of shopping and the girls walked around looking at the fake animals, huge fish tank and checking out the boats! After we left Bass Pro, we all went to Mom & Dad's for cake & ice cream!

German Chocolate Cake [made by our famous baker, Nicole!]

Singing Happy Birthday!
