Wednesday, July 15, 2009


this morning, i was suppose to meet up with a playgroup i joined at WOW, a childrens area of Botanical Gardens. but the playgroup organizer didn't get back to me in time with the final details. i was also meeting a friend and her son, Coleton so i went ahead and still went up there. she has a season pass so she got me in for free! the main attraction at WOW in the summer is all the water fountains the kids can run through and it was Kylie's 1st time seeing all the water fountains going and of course, she loved it!


Coleton & Kylie [& back of Marty]



we walked around to some of the other stuff they have there, had a snack and left after about an hour. it was getting pretty warm for us adults since we weren't the ones getting wet. and it's pretty exhausting chasing after 2 toddlers, by myself so i was ready to go! we stopped to get some lunch on the way home and of course the girls fell asleep after they were done eating and took about a 2 hour nap once we got home.

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