Thursday, July 2, 2009

in other news....

jacob's sister's interview was not successful. she said it was pretty pointless and techinically not a so called interview so she was pretty disappointed. pretty much schools in this area are not hiring, they are actually laying off teachers so there are just not positions available. so now plan b. she went ahead and sent her resume to all the middle and high school prinicpals anyways, explaining her reasoning to relocating back to this area. then she sent out her resume to several other places that are hiring, that she found online. hopefully she'll get a call soon.

jacob's friend, jimi, who built the shed, is just about done with it. he finished up the roof today. now jacob needs to start painting it.

kylie has started getting very busy. lately, she has been able to unlock the sliding glass door and open it! and she's also opening every door in the house! we used to just be able to keep the doors shut and that would keep her out, well not any more. so we need to get something to put over the doorknobs so she can't open them.

kylie can be SO sweet at times. i was getting ready to go to the store and telling her bye and she said to me "buh bye... wuv [love] you... kisses". i LOVE her! =]

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