Tuesday, July 21, 2009


yesterday evening, i had an appointment with the chiropractor so i had to take kylie with me. i was a little nervous on how she would do while we were there and while i was lying on the table. she's so active that i invisioned her running all over the place, getting into everything and running out the front door! but she did so good. in the lobby they have books, movies, paper & crayons, and lots of toys so she was entertained while we waited. then we went back to the room to wait for the doctor and i instructed her to sit in the chair and eat her snack while mommy laid on the table, and she did just that! she kept saying "mama, mama" but just sat there and watched.

once i got up and went to get my shoes back on, kylie jumps down from the chair and says "my turn, my turn!", kicked her flip flops off, jumped on the table and laid on her back! it was the funniest thing and i couldn't believe she had just done that! the doctor "pretended" to adjust her for a few minutes then she got up. it was so funny, and i think she really enjoyed herself!

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