Thursday, July 2, 2009

monday.... i took the girls to the park in the morning then normal naptime. once they woke up, carolanne, the girls and i went to the community pool. jacob's sister, nicole met us there. i only stayed about an hour and went back home and waited for marty to get picked up. nicole and carolanne stayed there til about 6 and came back here to hang out for a little bit. carolanne wanted to go home with nicole and she's been staying with her all week.

tuesday.... we went to Ocean Breeze! it was me, the girls, my sister, haylee, my sister's friend, angie, and nicole and carolanne. kylie had a great time, like always, running back and forth from the kiddie "big" slides and the lazy pool. we even got marty to do the big slides for the 1st time! nicole got dave to come get haylee because she was fussy and tired. after she left, nicole wanted to take kylie on the really big slides! the slide loops around a couple of times and then you come out in 5ft of water. well since nicole can barely touch the ground, someone has to be down in the water ready to catch kylie, and that was me. the water was really cold that day too. but kylie loves it. we heard there's another big slide that kylie can do while sitting on an adult's lap so we'll try that next time. we left around 12:30, ate lunch in the parking lot, and went home for naptime.

wednesday.... i took the girls to the park again, stayed about 45 mins. then we went over to emily's house for the girls to play. also rylee got a new big girl bed so i wanted to check that out. as soon as kylie saw it, she climbed right in and laid down! it's a really cute bed. i can't wait to set kylie's up, and hopefully she'll do just as well as rylee did! we might do it on sunday, i think she's ready [but not mommy]. we got back home around 11 so the girls could take their naps. i had to wake them up around 12:15 to get ready to meet mom, nicole & haylee for lunch. we went to red robin and i was really excited about it. after a while, kylie started getting antsy and started to act up; throwing her bib, her purse, food from the table clear across the room! and she somehow got out of her highchair and wanted to sit on the bench next to grandma. well i let her but of course she couldn't stay still, and walked on the bench to the table next to us and was shaking the pepper upside down, then she got down and ran off. i had to go chase her and took her in the bathroom for a "talk"- didn't do much good. she was still acting a fool so i had to pack up and leave without finishing my lunch. nicole & mom stayed there. i just couldn't handle it anymore. marty was whining on the way to the car and the ride home wasn't any better. i tried to lay kylie down for a nap but she wasn't having it and eventually climbed out of her crib. jacob's sister and carolanne were here when i got home and watched kylie while i went to a doctor appointment. then since the hospital was right next door i went to see kelly's new baby, lily! i visited there for a little bit and came home. about 7, nicole & carolanne left and i put kylie to bed, took a shower, ate dinner, cleaned up a little and watched TV. jacob was fishing with some of his friends and didn't get home til late.

thursday.... we hung out at home in the morning since outside was all wet from a storm overnight. i got out kylie's new playdoh that she got as a birthday present, and last week i got her some playdoh accessories from Toys R Us so we made different animals and shapes. the girls did pretty good with it. we left around 10:30 to meet at Chic-fil-a for lunch with my friend, christina and her 4 kids. around 12:30, 2 school buses pulled up and a bunch of kids came walking out the bus... we figured it was time to go, which was fine with me since it was about time for naps.

friday [tomorrow].... we are all going to Busch Gardens! i have a feeling it's going to be really busy since most everyone is off from work because of 4th of july so we'll see how it goes. i'm excited for kylie to see elmo again, hopefully we'll get a good picture of just the 2 of them.

saturday.... we are going to the capps' house for 4th of july. then mom & dad are taking kylie home with them! sunday, we might put together kylie's big girl bed and we'll get kylie back in the afternoon.

enjoy your holiday weekend!!!!!

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