Monday, July 13, 2009

weekend update

saturday morning, jacob took kylie with him to take john back home. several incidents happened on friday and jacob felt like john didn't deserve to stay with us this weekend so he took him back home and brought carolanne back instead. by the time they got back, it was time for kylie to take her nap so jacob took carolanne to lunch at red robin and to the aquarium. around 2:30, i woke kylie up so we could go ready to drive out to mom & dad's house for a cookout. when we got there i started helping mom & nicole put together wedding invitations while kylie ran around and got into everything! we ate dinner then finished up invitations and played some Wii. then ate dessert then it was time to go home.

sunday, we had breakfast then got ready to go to Ocean Breeze. we got there around 10:30am and it wasn't busy at all. carolanne went off and did her own thing and jacob stayed with me & kylie in the kiddie area. kylie went down the slides about 100 times then we finally convinced her to go to the big slides. we went down a real big slide a couple of times but the water was really cold for mommy so we moved on to something different. we climbed a bunch of stairs and found this other big slide that we could ride with kylie on our lap so we rode that about 5 times then watched daddy do a couple by himself. we were pretty worn out by then so we walked back to the big wave pool and kylie played around in there for a little bit. we walked back to our stuff and started to get ready to leave. carolanne came back just in time and we left around 12:30. we ate lunch at home then it was naps for everyone!

i got kylie up around 3 and we got ready to go to a cookout at Gomamma's [jacob's grandma] for her birthday. we stopped at k-mart to get her a present and jacob went next door to the bait & tackle store to get worms. jacob's grandma lives on water, right by Botanical Gardens, so jacob wanted to bring kylie's fishing pole so she could do some fishing for the 1st time! kylie was pretty excited too!
all ready to start fishing!

playing with the stickers that go on her fishing pole!

waiting for something to bite.....

still waiting....


daddy helping her reel the fish in, but she pushes him away... "I can do it Daddy!"

Kylie's 1st fish!!!!! [a yellow perch]

keeping her distance....

up close....



as we were trying to catch more fish, and as more got away, sadly it started raining so we all had to go back inside. by then it was about time to eat anyways. kylie had lots of fun playing with mason & logan. we left around 6:30. by the time we got home, it was time for kylie to go to bed. then jacob and i cleaned up a little and relaxed the rest of the evening.

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