Monday, July 6, 2009

big girl room!

on sunday while kylie was at grandma & grandpa's, i cleaned out, orgnaized and set up kylie's big girl room. we took the changing table out and replaced it with a 3-shelf bookcase.

and we coverted her crib into a toddler bed with new sheets!

i picked kylie up around 4 and when we got back home, i told her we had a surprise for her and told her to go in her room. at first, she saw her new bookcase and took a book off the shelf, not even noticing her bed until we pointed to it. she got a huge smile on her face and jumped right on her bed. she was SO excited about it!


shortly after, we left to meet friends for dinner. they came over afterwards and we played in kylie's room. they left around 8 then it was time for kylie to get ready for bed. i was nervous to see how she would fall asleep when she could easily get in and out of her bed. we did our normal routine and laid her in her bed and i told her "stay in your bed and go to sleep". i heard her whining for a little bit but then she was out! and slept in her bed all night til i woke her up this morning at 7:30am. then i was really nervous at naptime because she usually fights that anyways. i heard her in her room for about a half hour, talking and i was wondering if she was in or out of her bed but after a while it was quite and she was asleep. a few minutes later, i checked on her and she was asleep in her bed! such a good girl! hopefully things will keep on like this.

this morning when marty got here, kylie had to show her her new big girl bed! she kept saying to marty "big bed, big bed". and kylie loves playing in her room now. she just loves her new bed and i'm so glad we did it, i knew she was ready!

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