Wednesday, July 8, 2009

we haven't really done much these past couple of days. monday & tuesday the weather was really nice and wasn't super hot so we weren't able to go Ocean Breeze or the pool but we did enjoy the park a couple of times. jacob came home early yesterday and took kylie to the new park at sandbridge beach, which she really enjoyed. i was going to go too [with marty] but kylie kept saying "dada truck" and then jacob asked her if she wanted me to come and she told him "mama stay home" so i guess i wasn't invited anyways. =[

today, we met mom for lunch at Cracker Barrell [my turn to pick]! we decided to try going to lunch an hour earlier than normal to see if kylie would deal better going before naptime, instead of taking an hour nap and be woken up to leave for lunch. we were all nervous about how she would do considering what happen last week at lunch! and surprisingly, she did fairly well! and we even had to wait almost 30 minutes for our food to come due to their poor service! so hopefully, we can continue to go at that time and see how she does.

jacob met with his dad, sister and their lawyer about them getting custody of the kids today. but there's a hold up. come to find out, the lawyer needs david's divorce papers to make sure he currently has sole custody of the kids, and to make sure that the kids' mother doesn't have any rights to them. well of course, david has no clue where the papers are and no one has any clue where the mom is, not even her own parents. AND there has been a warrant out for her arrest for 5 years in Norfolk so if the courts can't even find her, how is david gonna find her? so now they have to go to Norfolk to find the divorce/custody papers.

here are some pictures that have been taken recently....



pretty in yellow! [if only Nicole would open her eyes! lol]

usually when Kylie takes a bath, she'll say "cheese" and get into position

look at her ponytail!

she got her very own slurpee because she was a good girl for mommy at the grocery store!

Kylie's been getting quite the booboo's lately! the other day marty pinched her cheek pretty bad and she has a nice black & blue bruise that has lasted for days. then today, she picked up the cat and as the cat was jumping out of her arms, left a scratch right above her lip that bled. poor baby! =[

She has been doing the cutest things lately! today i kissed her forehead and she wiped it off with her hand! i was shocked. so i kissed her forehead again and she wiped it off again. i said "no you didn't just wipe mommy's kiss off" and she just laughed. we went back and forth a couple of times and she thought it was the funniest thing!

1 comment:

  1. she not only got her own slurpee but she got a BIG one at that. she really is a cute kid.

    me & Dave were talking earlier and saying that when Hay is over a year we'll have Ky spend the night and build tents with them =)
