Saturday, July 11, 2009

friday FUN day!

friday morning i had my 1st appointment with a chiropractor at a holistic center. i've been wanting to go for a while now due to constant lower back pain and migraines. and i'm glad i finally went. she said i have a lot of issues: my body is totally curved, issues with my hips and pelvic bone [probably from being pregnant] and a lot of tension in my neck [she said way more than there should be at my age, and i'm sure that's from all the stress i've been under lately]. after i left the appt, i was feeling pretty sore and my back was aching. but i'm looking forward to my next appt which is on monday, she didn't want to go too long before seeing me again afraid the adjustments would go back to where they were. and i'm hoping there is some relief in sight.

once i got back home, the girls went down for their naps and i tried to take a nap as well because kylie had gotten up at 6am! when the girls woke up, we ate lunch then since the weather was SO nice we stayed outside all afternoon. since it was marty's birthday, her mom brought over some art projects for us to do today- water paint and color stay markers [only works on certain paper] with 2 tinkerbell notebook pads. we did the markers and the girls enjoyed coloring.


excited to color!

hard at work....



finish product!

summer treat!

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