Monday, July 6, 2009

fabulous fourth!

since we were all off on friday, we decided to go to Busch Gardens for the day!
kylie's all ready!

we got there about 10am, when they opened and stayed til about 4pm. we were expecting it to be very crowded but it wasn't too bad. we rode our favorite roller coasters first so the lines hadn't gotten long yet. after lunch, it was time for kylie to ride some rides!


waiting in line with daddy
Sesame Street Land!



she loves the water!


after we got home, we took a drive down to Sandbridge. kylie kept saying "beach, beach" so we parked and walked to the water. they have a nice [new] playground so kylie played on that for a little bit. we came home, grilled some hamburgers and relaxed.

on saturday, kylie slept in til about 8:30, ate breakfast then we went over to rylee's house to visit with her on her birthday! the girls played for about an hour then we came home so kylie could take her nap. i woke her up around 1 and we got ready to go to the capps' house for a cookout. kylie played in the kiddie pool for a little bit then daddy took her into the big pool, the water was really cold though so they weren't in there long.

kylie had a good time getting in and out of the pool and playing on the swing set, even though she about got knocked out when she walked in front of a moving swing. ouch! she played with kailyn and ate lots of doritios.
the girls!

we all left the capps' house around 6 and came back to our house for my dad to set up fireworks on the dock. haylee laid down around 7:45 and kylie stayed up to watch the fireworks but kept saying "kyky nuh nite". finally, after dad was done lighting all the fireworks, mom and dad left with the girls to stay the night with them! we finished watching more fireworks set off by neighbors then went on a boat ride. it was a very nice 4th of july!

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