Friday, July 10, 2009


the girls and i picked nicole and haylee up around 9am and headed out to a playdate with kelly, kailyn and new baby lily! the girls enjoyed playing in kailyn's room and seeing all her toys. haylee rolled around the floor and made silly faces, like usual. after some outside time, we came back inside and ate lunch then got ready to go home. all the girls fell asleep on the hour ride home and stayed asleep even when i dropped nicole & haylee off at home and then once we got home, they slept for about 2 hours more!

when they got up from their naps, we had a snack, colored and played with stickers then played outside for a little bit. here are some pictures taken....




climbing up to slide....

here she comes....

walking down the slide...


so purdy!

after marty left, jacob was actually home early for work so we went on a walk. when we got back, i made enchilidas for dinner. then we gave kylie a bath and put her down about 7:30pm. jacob and i were pretty tired so we just laid around and played on the computer. but i surprisingly got jacob to do the dishes for me!

we had a good day!

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