Thursday, July 30, 2009





showing off the turtle she made!

concentrating real hard! [i love how she's got BOTH of her pinky fingers up!]

had to add this... new PRINCESS shorts Grandma got her.....

and here's a video of Kylie playing with play-doh. she keeps saying "turtle".

Monday, July 27, 2009

mommy's handy work....

Photo Albums at

Digital Scrapbooking at

**sorry it cut off, that's the blog's doing.**


Kylie & Haylee!


I took these when I was watching Haylee a couple days ago, she's SO cute!



will it ever end?!!

jacob got some free palm trees and of course couldn't pass up the great offer! last night he had some of his buddies come over and help him get it planted. [i wasn't aware it was going in the frontyard!]

last night....

this morning....

side view....


weekend update!

friday night, jacob and i went to see brad paisley in concert! jacob's sister watched kylie for us. it was a really good concert.

saturday.... kylie & i met mom at the mall around 10am. i wanted to go to Old Navy since i hadn't been there in forever. they were having a good sale for kylie's clothes so i got her some school clothes [awwww!] like jeans, long sleeve shirts, and a curduroy skirt. i ended up finding me a cute outfit as well! after that, we let kylie play in the motorized cars while we waited for nicole & haylee to get to the mall.


she always chooses the ice cream truck!

we went to some other stores then ate lunch at Chick-fil-a. we saw a new kids store that had just opened called Crazy 8, that is a brand of Gymboree. they were also having a good sale so i got kylie a pair of jeans and 2 3/4-length shirts.

so cute!!!!



about that time, kylie was getting pretty crabby so it was time to leave and go home to take a nap. mom came over my house because we were going over to the capps' house later for a cookout. after kylie's long nap, we went over to the capps' house for the evening. kylie was playing outside and got something in her eye. i tried to wash it out but her eye got really swollen, she looked pretty pitiful. by the time we got home it was time for kylie to go to bed.

sunday.... we took kylie, john and a neighborhood friend to Ocean Breeze. jacob's sisters met us there. we all had a really good time. we ate lunch there and stayed til 1:30. kylie [ & i] took a nice long nap. jacob did some yardwork and got ready to plant these 2 huge palm trees he got for free. around 5, he stopped so he could take john home.

**i'll have palm tree pictures up later.**

Thursday, July 23, 2009

turtles & fish

last night jacob took kylie to his friend's house again to fish in their backyard. this time they saw some turtles and fed them bread. and they also caught some blue gills. afterwards, daddy took kylie for some ice cream.



feeding the turtles....


another fish....

"where'd all the turtles go?"


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

short VIDEO!

Kylie is always talking about going to see Nana & Papa, which we are going to see in less than 4 months! Kylie's favorite number is 2 so Kylie thinks we are going to see them in 2 months!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


yesterday evening, i had an appointment with the chiropractor so i had to take kylie with me. i was a little nervous on how she would do while we were there and while i was lying on the table. she's so active that i invisioned her running all over the place, getting into everything and running out the front door! but she did so good. in the lobby they have books, movies, paper & crayons, and lots of toys so she was entertained while we waited. then we went back to the room to wait for the doctor and i instructed her to sit in the chair and eat her snack while mommy laid on the table, and she did just that! she kept saying "mama, mama" but just sat there and watched.

once i got up and went to get my shoes back on, kylie jumps down from the chair and says "my turn, my turn!", kicked her flip flops off, jumped on the table and laid on her back! it was the funniest thing and i couldn't believe she had just done that! the doctor "pretended" to adjust her for a few minutes then she got up. it was so funny, and i think she really enjoyed herself!

birthday party pictures!

here are some pictures from Rylee's 2nd birthday party!

Kylie has her pool party gear on!

Haylee's ready too!



Rylee sharing with Kylie!


playing in the water table....

getting wet....

pretty Haylee!

Monday, July 20, 2009

weekend update!

we didn't really do a lot this weekend. saturday, we went to kylie's friend's, rylee's 2nd birthday party! it was a pool party/ flip flop theme and the lil ones ran around in their bathing suits. we had a good time and once we got home, kylie took a bath and went to bed.
**nicole has some pictures from the party that i'll try to get from her soon.**

when kylie & i are in the car, she's always saying "we go there?", "we eat there?" as she points to places and here lately, she's been saying "go to church?". so we finally went to church this Sunday. kylie has no problems going into the nursery [and actually never has since she was about 11mos] so i have no worries. and even when i picked her up after church, she didn't want to leave and even the teacher went to get her and she ran off to hide! i know she will just love school when she starts in september! after church, we met mom for lunch then went home and kylie took a 3 hour nap, which was super nice so i could clean up a little and even rest myself. after kylie got up, we went to the grocery store and got some food to grill out. shortly after, jacob's sister, her friend & carolanne came over and we starting cooking. we hung out for a little bit on the deck then we put kylie to bed and jacob took everyone on a boat ride.

here are some pictures taken recently.....

pretty hair!

playing on the deck... she wanted to sit in the chair like that....


soooo serious!

buh-bye kylie!


being silly.... and SO tall!

pretending to take a nap....

Thursday, July 16, 2009


so kylie finally has enough hair to wear pigtails! not much hair, BUT some! She looks so cute, and actually looks like a GIRL!
SO excited about her new hair doo!


SOOOO cute!!!!!