Friday, December 17, 2010


Due to the snow yesterday, Jacob came home from work a little early and I got him to put the baby's changing table/dresser together!!! I love it and I think it matches the crib perfectly! I need to get some baskets, one to go on the top part next to the changing pad for diaper changing items and then some baskets for inside the door for diapers and miscellaneous stuff. I also want to wash all his Newborn clothes so I can fill the drawers! I might do that this weekend! :)


inside the door... I think he's going to need more diapers! ;)

FYI: I have outlet covers but can't find our flat screwdriver! :)

Jacob's project for this weekend is to install the new blinds. I also got Kylie's room new blinds as well. Let's just say blinds are not Jacob's favorite thing to do, along with putting things together! :) Once we get back from IL, we'll get the closet shelving & closet doors!

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