Friday, December 3, 2010

Pre-School update! [December]

We celebrate Advent and Christmas- Jesus' birthday!
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son..." John 3:16

For the month of December, they will celebrate Christmas, learn about Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, wisemen, angels, and most importantly, Jesus, God's only son! They will light Advent candles and eagerly await Christmas. They will learn about different Christmas traditions and symbols. The children will get to retell the story though puppets, felt board pieces, puzzles, books, instruments and dance! They will also have many sensory experiences such as pine branch prints, jingle bells, tinsel in the water table and peppermint playdough!

Also their Christmas Program is on Wednesday, December 15th at 11am. And their Christmas classroom party is on Wednesday, December 22nd, which unfortunately Kylie will miss because we leave for IL that day! See the things we sacrifice just to spent the holidays with our extended family!!! :)


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