Friday, December 10, 2010

We saw Baby Boy!!!


I had a 3D/4D ultrasound today! I was so excited to see what he looks like. I kept trying to explain to Kylie that we were going to see baby brother but still in my belly and how it would happen and all- wasn't sure if she totally understood though. As we were waiting, she found a book full of fairytale stories and read it with Grandpa. Once we went back in the room, she contiuned to look through the book with Grandpa and didn't really pay attention to baby brother on the screen! I kept telling her to look and she would for a minute but then continue what she was doing. At one point, she was interested in the gooey stuff [gel] on my belly and would touch it then wiped it on the blanket!

The ultrasound tech asked me if it was a boy or girl and then went to check it out right away for herself! Sure enough, he's still a BOY! :) Also I asked if she could do on estimate on his weight and she told me they don't do that. Ahh man!!! :(



I asked the tech if she could tell if he had any hair so she went to the back of his head and we could see a little bit of hair on the back of his head [notice the white lines]...

looking at us!


He kept his arm by his face for a while!



Looking at us, again! We could see him blinking his eyes- we all thought it was pretty weird/ slightly creepy! HAHA His cheeks look chubby in this picture!


The tech said looking at Kylie, she can see some of the same features in baby boy! So he might come out looking like his big sister!!! And we saw his little feet and toes but didn't get a picture. I told her how I can feel them in my ribs and she moved the wand up to the top of my belly and said "yup, that's his heel!"... see I'm not lying about sore ribs!!! :)

And we finally have decided on his name after seeing him today!



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