Monday, December 20, 2010

doctor appointment: 31 weeks 4 days

Today I had my "32 week" doctor appointment. I had to go a couple days early because we'll be in IL. Haylee came with me and did pretty good considering we waited for about 45 minutes before going back into a room. I gained another 3lbs! And my blood pressure was fine. I had no concerns or questions for the doctor at this visit. We listened to Brayden's heartbeat which sounded good & strong! He didn't measure me with the measuring tape like they usually do but he pushed on my belly and said I looked good! Then he discussed with me that since this is my 2nd baby I have the option to be induced at 39 weeks. He said there are several factors for an induction: such as medical- if the baby is having issues or if I'm having high blood pressure or just for personal reasons- like if I live far from the hospital, I want a specific doctor for delivery, need to arrange someone to stay with Kylie or I'm just done being pregnant. So that's an option once it gets closer.

My next appointment at 34 weeks is on Friday, January 7th at 9:30am. It's getting harder to schedule my appointments because I can only go on the days Kylie is at school and since I'm making them every 2 weeks instead of once a month, they have less available. Not looking forward to when I'm making them once a week!

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