Tuesday, December 7, 2010

30 weeks!!!


Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 30 weeks!!
Size of baby: weighs about 3lbs, size of a head of cabbage & almost 16 inches long [each website I've read says something different]
Total Weight Gain/Loss: gained 16lbs.
Maternity Clothes: all jeans/pants and most shirts
Gender: BOY! We will confirm this on Saturday, just to be sure! :)
Movement: hiccups all the time! and feeling him push against my belly, which feels pretty weird
Sleep: starting to not sleep so well so had to start using the "snake", aka pregnancy pillow
What I miss: being able to do certain things with ease
Cravings: chocolate
Symptons: heartburn, ligament pains, some Braxton Hicks, sore ribs
Best Moment this week: doctor appointment on Wednesday & having a 3D ultrasound on Saturday!!!!!!


What my pregnancy pillow looks like!

I can't believe I'm already 30 weeks and have less than 10 weeks to go!!! I know it's probably going to go by so fast and I feel like I don't have anything ready! I had my 30 week doctor appointment on Wednesday. I had to wait an hour in the waiting room before I was finally taken back and that's after I said something to the receptionist! Anyways, once I got back to my room they were pretty quick. And the doctor apologized a couple of times for me having to wait. I gained 3lbs. in 2 weeks!!! But the doctor told me my weight gain was great, my blood pressure was great and my urine was clear. She also said I'm all up to date on my lab work and told me my glucose test came back perfect! YAY! She measured my belly and said it's right on track and then we listened to his heartbeat, which was high 120's/ low 130's- I think maybe he was napping. :) I asked her about getting a prescription to help with heartburn because the over the counter stuff just isn't cutting it. She was going to give me a prescription but then realized it's actually now sold over the counter so told me to get that from the store. Hopefully that helps!

My next appointment at 32 weeks is on Monday, December 20th at 10am. Usually my appointments are on Wednesdays but that Wednesday we are leaving for IL so I had to make it earlier in the week!

Haylee too!

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