Wednesday, December 1, 2010

29 weeks!


Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 29 weeks
Size of baby: about 2 1/2 lbs and a little over 15 inches, size of a butternut squash
Total Weight Gain/Loss: gained 13lbs
Maternity Clothes: all jeans/pants & most shirts
Gender: BOY!
Movement: less kicks and more somersaults & "weird-feeling" movements
Sleep: awake every 2-3 hours to go potty
What I miss: sleeping through the night! & being able to do more w/o getting tired and having to rest
Cravings: FOOD!
Symptons: heartburn, tiredness, Braxton-Hicks, some swelling in feet/legs, sore ribs [even though I'm carrying pretty low compared to Kylie!]
Best Moment this week: Kylie kissing my belly and talking to her baby brother! And of course, in return, I have to kiss her belly and talk to her baby! :)


Comparsion of me with Kylie [on left] and with Baby Boy now [on right]!

And of course.... Kylie @ 29 weeks! ;)

And Haylee too! [think she's ready for some maternity pants ;)]

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