Monday, November 8, 2010


Kylie actually played a couple of times this past game and somewhat on her own! It was very windy and pretty chilly so she kept asking me if it was time for the tunnel or time for snack. A couple other players actually left the game early [they weren't playing anyways] because it was so cold! So Kylie did go out there with some coaching [& bribing] and even kicked the ball a couple of times. She did really good overall. I took some pictures with Mom's camera but for some reason they came out blurry but you get the idea!



Look at her go!




Mommy helping Kylie out a little [standing next to her Coach]...

This Saturday [13th] was suppose to be their last game but they had a game cancel in October due to rain, so they are making that up the following Saturday, November 20th. We are still doing the End of the Year party this Saturday! It's going to be at the indoor Fieldhouse and they have a play area for the kids and the kids/players will get medals [instead of trophies] from the Coach! I'll post pictures this weekend!

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