Tuesday, November 2, 2010

25 weeks

So I want to start a new, fun way of tracking my pregnancy on my blog that I will update weekly. I thought 25 weeks was a good time to start- I can't believe I only have [hopefully a little less] 15 weeks left! :)


Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 25 weeks
Size of baby: about 1 1/2 lbs, size of a rutabaga [see picture below]
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 7 lbs
Maternity Clothes: yes, mostly jeans/pants and some shirts
Gender: BOY! [still no name :) ]
Movement: mostly when I'm laying in bed & feeling him get the hiccups often
Sleep: pretty good, getting up 2-3 times to go potty
What I miss: NOT having heartburn
Cravings: nothing really
Symptons: heartburn!
Best Moment this week: I called Kylie a pumpkin and she said "I'm not a pumpkin". I said "well what are you?" and she said "I'm a big sister!" SO sweet to hear!


Also, I want to compare what I looked like when I was pregnant with Kylie. So when I have the same week picture, I'll do a little comparsion. This is me at 24 weeks with Kylie, on the left and with baby boy on the right.

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