Thursday, November 11, 2010

busy Saturday

On Saturday, Kylie had an early game at 9am. It was a little bit of a struggle to get her to play and we had to do a lot of bribing! But eventually she played a couple of times and even kicked the ball a couple of times too! This ended up being their last game, the Coach decided to just go ahead and cancel the makeup game.

waiting with Daddy for her to turn to play!

all lined up & ready to go!

there she goes!


that's a good kick!


After Kylie's game we came home, changed clothes and met everyone at the Bounce House so the girls could play. Kylie jumped right in and started playing and even started playing with a little boy there. They followed each other every where for quite a while. It took Haylee a little while to warm up to everything but once we finally got Kylie to play with her she started getting excited and playing with everything. After about an hour of play time, we all went to Applebee's for lunch.

sweet Birthday Girl!!!

love how she's got her tongue sticking out! HAHA

"get me out of here!"



Weeee!!!! Was it a little too fast, Nicole? HAHA

"See that was fun!"

Kylie's turn!






somebody's done!

We came home and all took naps. I had to wake Kylie up about 4:30 to get ready to go to her Soccer party. Shortly after she woke up, she started complaining about her ear hurting. I knew it was probably an ear infection because when she says her ear hurts, that's what it is. We went ahead and went to the End of the Year party at the indoor Fieldhouse, close to where Kylie has her games. They had a really cool setup there. They have a closed in play area and a bunch of party rooms and an arcade. Kylie had a great time running around with her friends! The kids played for about an hour then we went into our room and the kids ate pizza [except Kylie, of course- she kept wanting to go back into the arcade to get more tickets and prizes] then the kids had a cupcake. After they were done, Coach Shannon said a couple of things to the group and passed out each kid's medal and award! Afterwards, the kids got to play some more and we left about 7pm.

Kylie with her team [and some of their siblings] and her Coach, on the left


Monkey cupcakes made by Team Mom, Emily

listening to the Coach

Kylie getting her medal & award!

running to come show me!





As we were walking back to the car, Kylie kept complaining about her ear so I knew we had to take her to the doctor [urgent care]. Kylie even told me she wanted to go to the doctor and get some medicine. She also told her owie to go away! :( We didn't have to wait long at the doctor's and were seen pretty quickly. He checked out her ears and said the one she was complaining about [she's always tells us which one hurts] was definitely infected. We told him that she gets ear infections often and that usually when she gets a cold or has allergies, she'll get one. I asked to get a stronger dose of an antibiotic because Amoxicillin doesn't usually work for her. We got her prescription and dropped it off at Walgreens, came home and got Kylie ready for bed. Jacob picked up her prescription about 20 minutes later and after she took it, she went to bed. When she woke up this morning, I asked her how her ear felt and she said "Better, God healed it". :) I'm praying this antibiotic takes care of it and she won't have another one for a while!

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