Tuesday, November 23, 2010

28 weeks!!!


Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 28 weeks
Size of baby: 2.25lbs and 14.8 inches, size of Chinese cabbage
Total Weight Gain/Loss: [gulp!] 13lbs- my belly finally popped out and the weight is coming on!
Maternity Clothes: yes, all jeans/pants & most shirts
Gender: BOY!
Movement: feeling him a lot with stronger movements
Sleep: feels like I'm waking up every 2-3 hours to go potty
What I miss: sleeping through the night & being able to move around with ease
Cravings: sweet tea, need one almost everyday!
Symptons: heartburn [I got some stronger medicine so hopefully that helps], worn out by the end of the day, starting to feel uncomfortable
Best Moment this week: finishing painting the blue in his room!


I had my 28 week doctor appointment on Wednesday. My glucose test came back normal- yay! And my blood pressure was fine. I had no concerns to discuss at this visit. His heartbeat sounded very strong and I'm measuring [my belly] right on track. I had to wait for a nurse to come in to give me the Rho-Gam shot since I have A- blood. That was fun to get a shot in my butt! :( She made me wait for 10 minutes before I could leave to make sure I didn't have an allergic reaction, even though I've gotten it before. I'm suppose to get the shot again once the baby is born if his blood type is different than mine. Kylie has A- so I didn't have to get it when she was born. If we only knew what blood type Jacob has, I might not even need this shot!

From now on [til 36 weeks], I'll have a doctor's appointment every 2 weeks. So my next appointment at 30 weeks is on Wednesday, December 8th at 10:15am.

Here is a picture comparsion of when I was 28 weeks with Kylie [on left] and this time! I think I'm carrying lower this time than I was with Kylie, which they say you carry high with a girl and low with a boy!

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