Monday, November 1, 2010


Today, Kylie had a follow-up appointment with the Ear, Nose & Throat doctor. We were pretty much seen right away and were done pretty quick, which is always nice! The doctor checked both her ears and said they look great and look perfect! YAY! He said it was pretty common at her age for her to get a couple ear infections a year and he doesn't see it being a future problem and she shouldn't require any surgery. He said as long as there are only a couple a year and it response well with some intervention [antibiotics] then that is fine. Otherwise, she looks great!

The doctor asked Kylie if she was going to be a big sister and she said yes then he asked her if her baby had a name yet and she said "Yes, Allison!", which is the name of HER baby not Mommy's! So I had to explain to him that she has a baby in her tummy as well as Mommy and that Mommy's baby does not have a name yet besides baby brother. :)

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