Monday, March 7, 2011

weigh in!

Last Wednesday I took Brayden to the doctor to meet with a Lactation Consultant. We weighed him and he was 7lbs 6oz, which means he had gained 3oz since we took him to the doctor the day before! I had her look at his tongue to see what she thought of it. She said it's kinda hard to tell because it's not really bad since he can touch his gums and lips with his tongue. But when he cries it doesn't go very high, usually it should reach the top of their mouth. She helped me with latching and positions so that I'm not in pain, which helped somewhat. She suggested I pump 4-5 times a day for 10 minutes each, which is easier said than done! She told me that if the pain didn't get better, she would talk to the doctor about referring me to an ENT specialist to further check out his tongue.

I went back yesterday [Monday] to check his weight again and he was 7lbs 12oz! Which is really good and he passed his birth weight- finally! Since I'm still having some pain here and there, she suggested we go ahead and schedule an appointment with the ENT, just to have them check it out. She said they could look at it and find it doesn't need to be clipped afterall. I just want to make sure though. She said his weight gain was really good so that's a good sign he's getting what he needs!



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