Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pre-school update! [March]

We love animals- Celebrating God's creation.
"God made the beasts of the earth." Genesis 1:25

For the month of March, each week they will be focusing on: Animals & People Homes, Noah & God's Rainbow Promise, friends in Ireland, Spring and Plants! They will play with a variety of spring colors, learn about rainbows, explore how yellow+blue= green, paint and decorate their own "Blarney Stones" and make and bake bread boas and mini pizzas.

They continue to count, notice numerals, and practice one to one correspondence. Their pattern this month is AA, BB. They will also to continue their exploration of maps. They will learn about the country and culture of Ireland, hear Irish music, dance and tap to the beat. They end the month with the new season of Spring and learning about plants.

They are working on balance, hand-eye coordination, beginning scissor skills, and activities to strenghten hand muscles for writing.

They are having a Book Fair the week of the 7th and a Spaghetti Dinner March 10th! Parent Conferences are on March 16th. And Picture Day is on March 30th.

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