Monday, March 21, 2011

Teacher Conference

I had a teacher conference with Kylie's teacher last Wednesday. And I got her "report card" on Friday so here are the things her teacher wrote....

Social Emotional
Sense of Self; Responsiblity for Self and Others; Prosocial Behavior

*chooses and becomes involved in one activity out of several options
*takes responsibility for own well being- uses self help skills with occational reminders [tissue, wash hands, toilet, jacket]

*shows confidence in parents' and teachers' abilities to keep her safe and healthy

*demonstrates appropriate trust in familiar adults

Gross Motor; Fine Motor

*demonstrates basic locomotor skills [running, jumping, hopping]

*coordinates hand- eye movement [fine]

*uses tools for writing and drawing [fine]

*attempts to walk in a line, stepping off occationally [gross]

*performs simple manipilations with increasing control [fine]

Learning & Problem Solving; Logical Thinking; Representation & Symbolic Thinking

*applies knowledge or experience to new context

*counts to 10 or so connecting number words and symbols to the objects counted and knows that the last number describes the total

*observes attentively and seeks relevant information

*sustains attention and persists even when encountering difficulties [ex. puzzles]

Listening & Speaking; Reading & Writing

*actively participates in conversations. Responds to comments and questions of others

*uses longer sentences [5-6 words] to communicate

*recognizes and names many letters of the alphabet

*knows print carries a message

*participates in story time interactively

*chooses to "read" on own

"I can grow...."

*Social/Emotional- work/play cooperatively with another student/ center group [aka SHARE!]

*Social/ Emotional- understand & follow classroom procedures without prompting [changing centers, coming to carpet, outside time over]

*Physical- Gross motor- pedal and steer a tricycle [I knew we need to work on this], balance while moving on balance beam

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