Tuesday, March 15, 2011

1 month!

I can't believe Brayden is already a month old and exactly 4 weeks old! This past month has flown by and I know it won't slow down. :(


Here's what Brayden has been up to...

-Still wearing Newborn diapers but on the last pack then I'm getting size 1 because they are getting tight around his legs.

-Still wearing Newborn clothes but the sleeves are starting to get short. He's worn a couple 0-3 month outfits.


-Nurses about every 3 hours during the day. During the evening, it sometimes is every 2 hours as he's a little more fussy/ hungry.

-He spits up after just about every feeding. So I do a lot of laundry! I just started putting a bib on him after he's done eating so I'm not changing his outfit 20 times a day.


-At night, he's been going to bed around 10-11pm then wakes up again anywhere between 3-5am for a feeding then goes back to sleep til about 6-7am [depending on when he got up last]. He usually goes back to sleep after the feeding.

-He's still sleeping in our room at night. He sleeps in his pack n' play til he wakes up then I usually nurse him in bed and we cuddle til it's time to get up for the day [or he stays in bed til he wakes up, but Mommy can't do that!].


-I swaddle him at night and sometimes during the day when he naps. So far, he seems to like it. If he's not swaddled during the day and he's asleep, his hands are usually by his face.

-During the day, he usually sleeps in his bouncy seat or ocassionally his pack n' play. The days I take Kylie to school, he usually falls asleep in the car seat so I keep him in there and just put him in my room.

-He likes hanging out in his bouncy seat, awake or asleep, ususally. He will ocassionally hang out in his swing but not for very long.


-He loves to be put to sleep while laying on your shoulder/chest while patting his back or butt. It's about the only way we can get him to sleep.

-I bought new pacifiers called Gumdrops and he seems to like these better than the other ones I got him before he was born. He doesn't always want it or keep it in his mouth but usually takes it after he's done eating or while trying to get him to sleep.

-He's starting to like bath time. He usually doesn't cry while I bathe him and only starts crying when it's time to get out!

-He broke out with baby acne within the last week. It's mostly on cheeks. Hopefully it goes away soon. :(

Brayden is such a sweet baby! Kylie is very sweet with him, asking me if she can touch him. Also she calls him 'chunky baby', which I don't know where she got that from because we don't call him that [because obviously he's not] but it's cute to hear her say that to him.

Kylie & Brayden at 1 month old! WOW!!!

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