Tuesday, March 1, 2011

2 weeks old!

Today Brayden is 2 weeks old! I had to take him to the doctor for his 2 week check-up. Grandpa came over to stay with Kylie so I didn't have to bring her with me. I was wondering how much he weighed because when I took him for a weight check when he was 3 days old, he was down to 7lbs even. I was really hoping he was back to his birth weight, which they say takes about 2 weeks [sometimes more for breastfed babies]. He's been peeing & pooping just fine so I know he's been getting enough. And he now weighs only 7lbs 30z! So he hasn't gained much weight at all. :( I told her that he's still pretty much pooping right after I feed him and she said that's a Newborn reflex to clean out the meconium and jaundice but that should start to slow down and he should only poop once a day or a couple times a week. So that's probably why he hasn't added a bunch of weight on. Also, he now is measuring 20.5 inches.

at the doctor's...


She examed him all over and said he looks great. She asked if I had any concerns and I wanted her to check out his tongue. I thought he might be slightly tongue tied, which means his frenulum is too short and tight. Well the doctor said it's not that bad and as long as he can touch his gum & lips with his tongue he's fine. But this can effect his ability to breastfeed properly and since I've been having some issues, she decided I should meet with a lactation consultant. This along with his slow weight gain back to his birth weight, she thought it was a good idea. So I'm meeting with someone tomorrow at 10:30am and I hope to figure out what's going on so both me & Brayden are much happier!

2 weeks old!



So that's about it!

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