Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I finally took Brayden to the ENT specialist to have his tongue-tie/ short frenulum checked out. The doctor checked his ears, looked in his mouth and then checked under his tongue. He said he does have a short frenulum and asked why I was concerned about it. I told him I was having some pain while nursing and the lactation consultant thought it should be looked at. But within the last couple of weeks, I haven't had hardly any pain. Not sure if I've just gotten used to it or he has improved his eating techniques but I still wanted to go ahead and get it checked out, just to be safe. I told him I wasn't really having pain anymore and since he felt it wasn't really bad and he was gaining weight then he didn't want to mess with it. But he said if I start to feel pain again, he wants me to go to a different lactation consultant that he works with and have her watch him eat and see if it is effecting breastfeeding and then go from there. So we'll see how things go! And he got weighed today and he's 9lbs!! So he must be eating well! :)

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