Thursday, March 3, 2011

Kylie's new roll!

I wanted to update on how Kylie is doing since Brayden has been born. So far, she really seems to like him. She even told me a couple days ago that she wanted to keep him so that's a good sign! Usually when she wakes up in the morning, she'll ask where he is. She always asked me if she can touch him, which is sweet she asks! She likes to help me get wipes, unsnap his diaper, help me bathe him, turn on his bouncy seat, push his swing, rock his car seat when he's crying and we are trying to get out of the house. It's so cute hearing her talk to him, she tells him: "it's OK, it's OK" if he's crying and rubs his face or hands, or she'll tell him "I'm your big sister!". And she tells me she loves him.





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