Monday, February 14, 2011


Sunday morning I started having contractions around 9am. I decided to still go to church and see how it went, figuring they would probably stop. Once we got to church, I was still having them so Nicole helped me time them, writing the times on the church bulletin. HA! They seemed to be about 3-5 minutes while we were there but they weren't super painful or anything. We left church after the service and I called Jacob [he was at the gym] and told him to come home and we might be going up to the hospital. I picked up lunch on my way home. Once we got home, we ate and tried to decide what to do. I was still having contractions but they still weren't really painful. Nicole came over and we went walking around the neighborhood and were still keeping track of the contractions and they were still about 2-5 minutes apart. A couple hours later Mom, Nana & Papa came over. We decided to eat dinner then we would go up to the hospital just to get checked out. So after we ate, we got everything ready and left the house about 6:30.

We checked into the hospital and they got us settled in a room. They hooked me up to track my contractions and the baby's heartbeat. They checked me to see how much I was dialated and I was 3cm. The nurse said they would recheck me in about an hour and see if I made any progress. She came back an hour later and I was 4cm! But she said they wanted to still watch me to see if I would progress anymore so she said she would recheck me in 2 hours. If I had dialated more then they would keep me but if not, they would send me home. By this time it was about 10pm. So we hung out waiting to see what would happen. Within the last hour of waiting, I had noticed my contractions had slowed down. I was having one about every 4-5 minutes so I knew I probably wasn't going to be dialating more. So the nurse came back in a little after midnight and checked me again and I was the same so she went to call the doctor to see what he wanted to do. She came back and said they were sending me home. Booo!!!!

By the time, I got home and got into bed the contractions had stopped. Which was kinda a good thing so I could sleep and I slept pretty good! And it was Valentine's Day so I guess Brayden didn't really want to be a little cupid so he had to put the brakes on the contractions! HA!

So I didn't have any more contractions and we continued with the induction on Tuesday, the 15th.

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