Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kylie's 1st visit to the Dentist!

I finally got around to taking Kylie to the dentist for her 1st cleaning and exam.... she's only almost 4- better late than never! :) I kept talking to her about how they would look at her teeth and clean them. We even read a story about Dora going to the dentist. And I told her if she was a good girl, she would get a new toothbrush and a treat!

Kylie did really well with following directions. She had to lay back in the chair and the hygienist first looked at all her teeth with a tiny mirror. Then she counted her teeth, which she has 20! Then she used the little pick and picked at the plaque on her teeth. She let Kylie choose what flavor toothpaste she wanted and Kylie chose bubble gum. She cleaned her top teeth then gave her some water and had her spit it out. Then did the same thing with her bottom teeth. She's not too good at spitting yet so she pretty much swallowed the toothpaste and the water- eww!!! But little ladies don't spit! HA! ;) She said since she didn't spit too well yet, she wouldn't give her flouride because it would probably upset her tummy if she swallowed it.

ready to go!

looking at her teeth with the tiny mirror

counting her teeth

showing her how the toothbrush feels on her fingers

brushing her teeth!

Then the dentist came in and checked her teeth out. He said they looked really good- no cavities! He said the only thing for concern is her bite, which I already noticed. She has a cross bite, which means the right side bites fine but the left side doesn't so her bottom teeth are over her top teeth on just the left side. He said it's not really a big deal right now with her baby teeth but they'll keep an eye on it as she starts to get her adult teeth [molars], that should be around 7 or 8 years old.

Other than that, everything looks great! Also, the hygienist told me to keep helping her brush her teeth and do this til she's about 5 and can do them really good herself.

showing me her pearly whites!

silly girl!

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