Friday, February 4, 2011

Pre-School update! [February]

"A friend loves at all times." Proverbs 17:17
God loves every person. We love God. God wants us to love one another and be kind to everyone.

They start off the month learning about friends in China. They will build a "Great Wall" of blocks, ribbon dance and tap rhythm sticks to Chinese songs, cook and taste rice, measure and pour dry rice in the sensory table and make dragon masks!

Next, they will read and learn about Valentine's Day and celebrate their love for one another. They will exchange Valentine's and have a party on the 14th!

Then they'll learn about their African friends! They will make Akwadu charcoal drawings, tap our rhythm sticks to an African beat, and learn about different homes and structures.

In art, they will explore using a variety of materials. The focus will be on individuality and creativity. They plan to make prints with potatoes and forks, marble roll paint, sculpt, use wax paper, tissue paper, glitter and have many easel opportunities.

Also, Kylie got into the 4 year old class I wanted, which is Monday-Thursday [4 days a week] for the next school year!!!! I'm really happy because not everyone who wanted that class got it, including one of my friends! I can't believe it will be Kylie's last year in pre-school then she starts Kindergarten! WOW! Also, we are very excited that Haylee will be going to Kylie's school in the Fall on Tuesdays and Thursdays! Funny how it's Haylee's first year and Kylie's last year of pre-school! Aww!!!