Thursday, February 10, 2011

doctor appointment: 39 weeks!


I called on Monday to see if I could get in on Wednesday instead of Thursday, just so we could schedule my induction for Friday and it wouldn't be so close. But they had nothing. :( So I had to keep my Thursday appt., I'm glad it was pretty early in the morning though. I gained 1 lb and my blood pressure was fine. Brayden's heartbeat sounded good and was in the 130's. And I'm still measuring on the smaller side. [I really don't think he will be bigger than Kylie.]

The doctor checked me and I'm now 2cm! But still about 40% effaced but she said that didn't really matter regarding an induction just how much I was dialated and she said my cervix is soft so that's good. She also went ahead and stripped my membrames, which is known to cause contractions and put you into labor. I was able to go ahead and schedule the induction but not tomorrow! :( Guess they are already full or something- booo!!! So I got to choose between Monday or Tuesday and I chose Tuesday. But I'm really hoping I'll go into labor on my own before that- like by this weekend would be great!

So now it's pretty much a waiting game and either way he'll be here by Tuesday! And this will be my last pregnancy update! WOW.... can't believe the time has finally come. I definitely am going to miss being pregnant but look forward to meeting my baby BOY! :)

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