Wednesday, February 2, 2011

doctor appointment: 38 weeks!

I had my 38 week doctor appointment this morning, I was actually 37 weeks & 6 days. I didn't gain any weight and my blood pressure was fine. Brayden's heartbeat sounded great and when she measured my belly I asked her if she could guess about how much he weighs [or is going to weigh when born] and she said I'm actually measuring on the small side, and he'll probably be about 7-7 1/2 lbs- not too big. With Kylie being over 7 1/2lbs I was expecting baby #2 and being he's a boy, he would be bigger than Kylie but it's not looking like it, he'll be about the same or maybe even smaller! YAY!

She also checked me again and I haven't really changed since last time, I'm still 1cm and about 40% effaced, which isn't much. BOOO!!!! Which means no scheduling the induction and I have to go back again next week and I'll get checked again and then we'll go from there. I'm not really sure how that will all work out. If I'm still 1cm, will they still go ahead with the induction or I'll just have to wait it out to see if I go into labor on my own? I'm pretty sure, though, if I'm at least 2cm they will go ahead with the induction but will they be willing to do it the next day? Or will I have to wait til Monday, which I don't want to do because it's Valentine's day. And by that time, I might as well wait it out and see if I go into labor on my own and if not by my due date [Thursday, 17th] then schedule the induction. Soooo.... guess we'll see next week how it will all go!

My next appointment at 39 weeks is on Thursday, February 10th at 9:05am. And of course Jacob has an award ceremony for work in North Carolina that day- great- hope I don't go into labor that day!

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