Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I finally got an email from Kylie's soccer coach and it was the coach we really wanted, a Mom from Kylie's class last year!!! Unfortunately, her son isn't going to Kylie's school this year but at least she'll remember him and also his mom. At this time, she doesn't know any specifics regarding practices as she asked for everyone's input first- like days, times, etc.

Coach Shannon said the following.... "My focus is on having fun while learning the fundamental skills of soccer. I will focus on positive reinforcement, even if that means a ball went into the wrong goal. At this age we will be working on not using our hands, which direction we are going, and sportsmanship."

Tonight, we went to Target and got Kylie some shin guards & socks, a soccer ball [they'll need for practices and games] and black shorts [that I have to take back b/c they were too big]. At this age, they don't require cleats so she just has to wear tennis shoes. And she will get her team shirt at the first practice!

Here's our new soccer player. Ain't she cute?!!! :)

She wanted to put the soccer ball next to her!

SO cute!

Then I told her to hold the ball!


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