Monday, August 9, 2010

weekend fun!

The Scaggs came to visit us over the weekend. Friday, we met for lunch at Red Robin then all went back to Mom & Dad's house and hung out. We ordered pizza for dinner. Nicole & I left with the girls around 8:30.

Charissa painting Kylie's toenails!

sitting like such a big girl!

SO pretty!

Haylee's turn!

she was so interested in what Charissa was doing to her!

all done!

On Saturday, we headed out early [somewhat] to Mom's. Grandpa stayed home with the little girls while us big girls went to Williamsburg for some shopping! We first stopped at Yankee Candle then had lunch at Cracker Barrell. Then we headed to the Outlets for some more shopping. We got a lot of stuff for the girls, of course. And Tammy & Charissa made out in the purse stores! ;) Time goes by so fast when you're having fun and before we knew it, it was 5:00 and time to go home! When we got home, the girls were so happy to see ME... I mean us! Haha We had ribs, baked beans and potato salad for dinner! We gave the girls a bath and hung out and left around 9pm.

On Sunday, we all met at the beach and Kevin took some pictures of us as a family. He did some of all of us, some of me, Jacob & Kylie, some of Nicole, Dave & Haylee, some of Mom & Dad with their grandbabies, and just the girls: me, Mom, Nicole, Kylie & Haylee. We can't wait to see how they turned out! It was so hot so it was a pretty fast shoot! Kevin, Charissa, Luke, Jacob and Kylie stayed at the beach and played for a couple hours. I took back Mom and Dad and we met Nicole, Dave & Haylee at Red Robin for lunch. Then Nicole & I went to the store to get food for the cookout. By the time we got back, everyone was back from the beach and the girls were taking naps. Nicole, Dave and Kevin went to check out this open house down the street from us and absolutely loved it! So me, Mom, Dad, Charissa, Nicole and Tammy went to check it out and loved it as well! We talked about it for a while and then Haylee woke up. We started making dinner and Kylie got up about 6pm. After we ate dinner, we played Taboo and that was a lot of fun! Everyone left around 8pm. We had a really good visit with the Scaggs!


silly girls!

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